Form Maker Overview

Modified on 2009/07/29 18:20 by Charles — Categorized as: GUI

Form Maker Overview

Form Maker is a visual design tool for building simple Jetfire programs. The image to the right shows the Form Maker in design view. For information how to use FormMaker, check out Tips for using FormMaker.

Why use Form Maker?

Form Maker is a simple tool for creating your own programs. You can use Form Maker to iterate between design and layout. This makes it simple to get to the 'right' form that combines what you are looking for and what looks good on the page.

Form Maker in design view

Form Maker in design view

Form Maker Features

The main features include:

Form Maker in layout view

Form Maker in layout view

Layout View

The form that is displayed to the left is Form Maker in layout view. It shows a DVD input form. This is similar to the DVD demo page on the jetfire site, because Form Maker is using the same code to create the form.

As the user designs the form, it is useful to page between the design view and the layout view. Layout shows the form designer how the form is displayed when deployed. This is useful to get an idea of how the form is used.

The importance of the expected type of answer is clear when the layout view is shown. In this mode, date, date and time, duration or time span, text (single line or multiple line), integers, decimal input is shown.

Note that Tags has no display. The expected answer for Tags is a List. For the DVD, this may be comedy, romance, drama, action or whatever tag you add to categorize the DVD. This form does not support the List answer yet.

Getting Started

This section contains tips for getting started.

  1. Before starting to use Form Maker to design your form, think about:
    • The purpose of the form
    • The information that you want from someone filling in the form
    • How you will use the information

  1. When starting using Form Maker to design your form,
    • Add a property with a property name and expected type of answer
    • Switch to the layout view to get an appreciation of how the form looks
    • Fill in the form to see what the form looks like from a user perspective

  1. When finished designing your form,
    • Review the form in the layout view
    • Fill in the form as if you were a user
    • Think about reordering properties. Does that make the form more understandable?

Displaying your new Form

Form Maker is used to design and deploy your form. One-click deployment literally saves the form to the Jetfire ecosystem ready for use.

The next step is creating a home on your website for the form, where users can navigate to and fill in your form. Jetfire WebParts are an easy way to deploy your form.